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District Sustainability Awards Application Opens Soon!

December 9, 2022
Sustainability is about balancing the environmental, economic, and social needs of the District of Columbia today as well as the needs of the next generation, and the one after that.” - Mayor Bowser The Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) would like to invite you to apply for the 2023 District Sustainability Awards. The application period opens on January 2nd for the 2023 District Sustainability Awards. The application period closes on February 10, 2023. Click here to apply. About the District's Sustainability Awards The District Sustainability Awards highlight businesses,...

Meet Our New Energy Partner and Start Saving Money Today

August 18, 2022
Dear RAMW Members, We know that your bottom line is always top of mind as you also work hard to support your teams and give guests the best experience you can in a competitive market. Did you know that you could be saving money every month on your electric and natural gas?| RAMW has several key providers who support our industry, and we are excited to introduce you to our new Endorsed Provider, Electric Advisors, Inc. EA is an energy broker who will help you get your natural gas and electricity supply at a competitive rate. Shopping for a competitive energy supplier is a sure fire way to take...Read more