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With so much COVID-19 related information available, it can be hard to find specific guidance as it relates to insurance for the hospitality and retail business.
Dear Operator,  This weekend we launced our Congressional industry-wide campaign focused on ensuring that Phase IV of the relief package addresses the real needs of our industry, and we NEED YOU TO TAKE ACTION TODAY. 
We have some important updates to share with you as new Orders were issued today in DC and MD impacting restaurant operators.  
Dear Operators,  We know there is a lot of information coming from RAMW and while we hope it’s useful, we are also mindful that it can be a lot to absorb.   
In talking with many of you, I know that so many of you are checking in regularly with your employees and managers who are not on site during this time. When your team was together each day, it was certainly easier to be there for one another, share in successes and the spirit of teamwork, and create a positive and uplifting work environment.
Social distancing has increased the adoption of online ordering as people spend more time at home. Having an ecommerce presence has never been more important to close the distance between you and customers.
National Restaurant Association Interim President and CEO Marvin Irby was named to President Donald J. Trump’s Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups. The White House noted during the announcement that the groups will work with government officials to help chart the path to recovery following COVID-19 closures.
Our industry is in crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has shuttered restaurants, forced millions into unemployment, and left us with a future that is uncertain at best.
In talking with many of you, I know that so many of you are checking in regularly with your employees and managers who are not on site during this time. When your team was together each day, it was certainly easier to be there for one another, share in successes and the spirit of teamwork, and create a positive and uplifting work environment.
We know you are working hard to keep your community safe, to feed your neighbors and patrons if you are still open, and to support your employees in many creative ways. A study conducted by CARAVAN found that 85% of people surveyed miss going to restaurants--this is second only to missing family members. This tells us what we already know, that restaurants are a valued part of everyone’s daily lives. 
Original content c/o: National Restaurant Association While it doesn’t come close to making up for sales losses, a majority of consumers are maintaining their off-premises usage of restaurants.
It’s been 30 days since the region was upended and everyone had to consider what their temporary new
Gelberg Signs would like to support Essential businesses during the COVID-19 Pandemic. They are providing the selected signs shown here for free for any Essential business. To order please call, 202-882-7733 or 240-372-7148.
I hope you got outside to see some sunshine this week and that you are practicing self-care and stress management when you can during this time.  As an Essential industry, you are rising above every day and it is noticeable how hard you as operators are working to ensure safety for your employees, vendors, and takeout and delivery patrons by going above and beyond to establish strict protocol and safety standards.
