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What would you do if someone who had been drinking excessively picked up their car keys and headed for the door? If you are a good bystander, you would intervene to help the person get home safely without risking injury to self or others. Cities and states, colleges and branches of the military are using that same bystander approach to prevent sexual assault: teaching professionals and friends how to offer assistance and intervene to prevent alcohol-facilitated sexual assault. In Arlington County, police are seeing an increase in reports of alcohol-facilitated sexual assaults of young...
Rebecca Cooper, Washington Business Journal The Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has stepped up enforcement of a law that limits wine tastings and wine dinners at restaurants that serve wine on site, surprising many restaurateurs who have been offering them for years. The law prohibits wine wholesalers and distributors from participating in tasting events held in restaurants. Winemakers or winery representatives are allowed to participate in these types of events, and the law does not prevent wholesalers from offering tastings at shops that do not serve on premises. Read...
Every restaurant could use a break. Cook one up for your restaurant in the form of a Washington Gas rebate. The Washington Gas Energy Efficiency Program is offering restaurants in Virginia substantial rebates on select natural gas products. Products include ovens, steam cookers, water heaters, programmable thermostats, infrared heaters and more. These rebates are only available for a limited time. Product installations must be performed by a licensed contractor before April 30, 2014.  A full list of eligible products, corresponding rebates and more details are available at ...
RAMW met with its Virginia members and state officials and legislators on October 10th at Clyde's of Tysons to discuss the myriad issues facing Northern Virginia restaurants. The meeting was very productive and provided an opportunity to dive into debates around restaurant operations, workforce development and taxes. Alcohol and ABC issues took center stage with operators citing challenges with the alcohol transfer process of wine and beer between locations. They also discussed at length, problems with the ABC permitting process.   As a result of this...
Business owners can reduce operating costs by evaluating energy expenses. A new report, Best Practices: Electricity Procurement, discusses the major impact that electricity costs have on middle-market operating budgets. View the report for information and best practices regarding how to select the right electricity supplier, what to consider before signing a contract, and which hidden items impact your final electricity bill. You can also benchmark your energy usage and costs, and become better equipped to make smart energy-related decisions. View the report. 
Jason Dangle, Fishbowl SM3 Team It happens to every restaurant at some point. A bad day has led to a displeased guest. In the old days, you might have to deal with negative word of mouth. But, with the rise of websites like Yelp, a bad review can have a boomerang effect, impacting the bottom line of a restaurant substantially over time. Fishbowl’s SM3 team works with restaurants every day to alleviate the damage a bad review can create. Over time, they’ve developed a system of best practices to give you the confidence to deal with harsh criticism. We sat down with SM3...
Tony Ventre, Heartland Restaurant Solutions Insights For restaurateurs, mobile payment acceptance solutions are giving new meaning to the saying “think outside the box.”  By transforming smartphones and tablets into mobile point-of-sale systems and providing the freedom to accept credit/debit/gift card payments from anywhere at any time, mobile payments enable you to take your business beyond your four walls. With the use of mobile payments, many restaurateurs are taking advantage of untapped sales opportunities. Consider utilizing mobile technology to facilitate...
Julie Jargon, Wall Street Journal Gratuities Added for Larger Groups Will Be Taxed as Service Charges   An updated tax rule is causing restaurants to rethink the practice of adding automatic tips to the tabs of large parties. Starting in January, the Internal Revenue Service will begin classifying those automatic gratuities as service charges—which it treats as regular wages, subject to payroll tax withholding—instead of tips, which restaurants leave up to the employees to report as income. The change would mean more paperwork and added costs for the restaurants—...
When Is a Tip Just a Tip?                                                                                    Tipping in the hospitality industry is considered the normal course of business.  However, the IRS considers tipping, in certain situations, to be taxed differently through payroll.  Employers in this industry now need to be diligent in their recordkeeping.  ...
You ask and we answer. The following questions and answers are a result of responses we received from the earlier round of FAQs. Health Care FAQ's For Restaurants My restaurant has fewer than 50 employees and I offer insurance but only to my senior staff. Since we’re under 50 and exempt from the employer health care mandate, can we continue to offer to only some of our staff? There are five restaurants trading under the same name in our group but each restaurant was set up individually with a different mix of...
Below you will find an FAQ session that will help update you on the health care mandate. We would like to continue with frequent updates based on what you need and want to know. So please, send us your questions for the next FAQ session to   Health Care FAQ's For Restaurants Will all restaurants have to offer health benefits to their employees? What are my options for offering health care to my employees? Am I OK with the insurance I have now? I have restaurants in DC, Virginia and Maryland...
Scott Attman, Acme Paper & Supply Co. for Franchise Times Now that the Federal Trade Commission’s new Green Guides are in effect, restaurant industry and other franchisors can expect big changes in several elements of their business. For starters, marketers who pitch products as environmentally friendly have to back up their claims or face fines. If the FTC finds product marketing misleading, it will begin filing suits against the companies in question, just as it does for health claims made by food manufacturers. Precise verbiage in product descriptions will be important...
The Washington Post Arlington County Board dives into work for 2012By Patricia Sullivan, Published: January 2While most of the Washington area did whatever it does on a day when nearly everything is closed, the Arlington County Board claimed bragging rights Monday as the first local government to get to work in 2012.It’s a tradition fulfilled by appointments, calendar-setting and speeches. In the hour-long meeting at the noticeably empty county building, all four board members took advantage, touting the virtues of the urban-suburban county, from affordable housing to free mulch...
Below is the report from MarkTate of Jackson-West Consulting from our October 24, RAMW Board meeting atColumbia Firehouse in Alexandria, VA which contains important legislativeinformation impacting Virginia businesses:Virginia Delegate DavidAlbo’s address to RAMW Board:ABC regulationsincluding ABC advertising laws and Happy hour promotionsDelegate Albo addresseda number of changes in the ABC regulations and state code and the ongoingregulation review being done by the Virginia ABC board. Reviewingthe restrictions on distilled spirits outdoor advertising and the changes thatoccurred last...
Corkage Law Passes In Virginia House78-18…With A Nudge From RAMWFebruary 22, 2011- With the passage in the Virginia House ofDelegates, SB1292, aka The Corkage Bill, will now go to the Governor’s officefor final signature. There is every indication that the Governor will sign thisBill.Corkage, which is common in many jurisdictions across the country including theDistrict of Columbia, will allow restaurants the choice of offering corkageservice to their patrons. This optional service will allow patrons to bringwine into an ABC licensed establishment for consumption on the premises...
Janauary 21, 2011 - Letter Sent to Virginia Department of HealthThe following letter was sent to the Virginia Department of Health in response to a bill presented in the Virginia State Legislature. The bill, at this point, has been “passed by” in committee and will not move forward. Dear Gary, With the introduction of House Bill 1927, which mandates the posting of a restaurant’s latest inspection report in a prominent location, we feel compelled to reach out to the Virginia Department of Health and express our concern on behalf of our Northern Virginia members. The...
 FormerRAMW Public Policy Advisor Patrick Horn testifies in front of theVirginia General Assembly's Committee on Local Government, outlining the problems for restaurants stemming from Arlington’s proposal to franchise waste hauling services. Date: Feb 2005.Issue Status: The problematic 2005 proposal was eventually vetoed by Governor Tim Kaine.PDF File  
Below are some of the recent legislative issues in Virginia that RAMW has worked on, all of which have important implications for Northern Virginia restaurants.  As always, we strive to recognize all RAMW members' concerns regarding public policy, and strongly advocate for our members' interests to public employees and elected officials.  VA Smoking Ban In February 2009, the Virginia General Assembly passed a statewide ban on smoking in all restaurants and bars in Virginia (HB 1703).  Smoking will still be allowed on certain outdoor patios and in separate ventilated rooms....
Meals tax cooked, school bonds pass By Elizabeth Coe Source: Loudoun Times-Mirror TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 2008 Voters in Loudoun County overwhelmingly turned down the proposed meals tax Nov. 4, which would have added asmall tax to food and beverages in restaurants and prepared, ready-to-serve foods in grocery stores. Only about 29 percent of voters in the county voted "yes" to the tax. Several groups had come out against the tax, proposed by the Board of Supervisors to help fund new school construction. If passed, the meals tax could have raised $13 million annually. Such a...
Stop Loudoun County HospiTAXityVote NO November 4th on thisUnfair Grab at Your Food and Beverage DollarsThrough Restaurants and Prepared Food OutletsDid you know that upwards of 27% of your restaurant tab goes to government coffers?  (And you thought you were just paying for a burger and fries.) Think a tax like this doesn’t really affect the restaurant – hey, it’s just a pipeline from your pocket to the county’s pocket.  Think again.  Whether it’s the price of the burger or another new tax, your dinner is going to cost more as it’s taking a...
Hopes for Public Smoking Ban Are Snuffed Out By Anita Kumar Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, February 15, 2008; B05 RICHMOND, Feb. 14 -- The Virginia House of Delegates defeated several proposals Thursday to prohibit smoking in restaurants, stores, offices and other public places, effectively killing all anti-smoking legislation for this year's General Assembly session. For the fourth year in a row, the Republican-controlled House killed a smoking ban in the state, where tobacco farming and cigarette manufacturing have been integral to the economy. The District and more than 20...
Virginia's Sangria Ban At Issue in 2 Hearings By Anita Kumar Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, January 24, 2008; B01 RICHMOND, Jan. 23 -- A Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control agent conducting a routine inspection in 2006 cited La Tasca Spanish Tapas Bar and Restaurant in Old Town Alexandria for violating an obscure 75-year-old state law: It's illegal to serve sangria in Virginia. The fruity cocktail of wine and brandy that is a must-have at Spanish restaurants violates a law that forbids mixing wine or beer with spirits. If convicted, a bartender could go to jail for a year...
Virginia: The Best State For Business Best Places Kurt Badenhausen 08.16.06, 8:00 AM ET Four hundred years after Captain John Smith established the first permanent English colony in Jamestown, the commonwealth of Virginia is leading the way once again. Virginia grabbed the top spot in's first-ever Top States for Business thanks to its strong economic growth, low business costs and excellent quality of life. The state, called "Earth's only paradise" by poet Michael Drayton, dominated our rankings, placing in the top ten in each of the six categories we...
