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Healthcare and Virginia

You ask and we answer. The following questions and answers are a result of responses we received from the earlier round of FAQs. Health Care FAQ's For Restaurants My restaurant has fewer than 50 employees and I offer insurance but only to my senior staff. Since we’re under 50 and exempt from the employer health care mandate, can we continue to offer to only some of our staff? There are five restaurants trading under the same name in our group but each restaurant was set up individually with a different mix of...
Below you will find an FAQ session that will help update you on the health care mandate. We would like to continue with frequent updates based on what you need and want to know. So please, send us your questions for the next FAQ session to   Health Care FAQ's For Restaurants Will all restaurants have to offer health benefits to their employees? What are my options for offering health care to my employees? Am I OK with the insurance I have now? I have restaurants in DC, Virginia and Maryland...
