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"To Australia, With Love" Fundraiser at Equinox
The images coming out of Australia are devastating and heartbreaking. More than A BILLION ANIMALS have perished due to the catastrophic wildfires that have engulfed the country over the past few months, but we can do something to help!
Please join Equinox Restaurant and Grassfed Media for the "To Australia, With Love" Fundraiser, which will directly benefit World Wildlife Fund-Australia and NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service Inc. (WIRES) -- two organizations that are rescuing and rehabilitating Australian wildlife that have been devastated by the wildfires.
Enjoy plant-based hors d’oeuvres created by Chef Todd Gray, special cocktails and wine, along with the sounds of Diplomatic Immunity. Plus, Equinox Restaurant will be selling Pastry Chef Brandi's Edinger’s zero-waste dog biscuits to benefit the cause too!